Farewell to Creative Writing!


This is my very last post. I don’t even know where to begin because this class means a whole lot to me. Since the beginning of the year i have had a relationship with almost every single person in this class. They have been so nice to me and have showed so much support to my blog. I can’t say names but all the females have been such great classmates to me, even the girls that have barely said a word to me have complimented my blog theme and my posts. The few boys in this class have also been kind to me even in controversial arguments. I also want to say thanks to my creative writing teacher because she has played a huge part in making this year amazing for everyone in this class and has been such an easy person to talk to. I hope she will think of me and this class after we have went our separate ways. Every day in class she always tells us stories about her and i think it has made us get to know her better as a person. I have no clue how to end this post either because there is no right way to explain all the feelings i have writing my last post. Thanks to my whole creative writing crew, i hope i see you all again in the future. Thanks for reading! 💖😌


Student Post – Shoutout to my classmates ! 😘

I stopped making conspiracy theory posts because I got bored of googling good articles. However, This is almost my last post of the year so I wanted to do something different. I have changed all real names for security reasons. 

to my creative writing teacher- thank you for being the best English teacher I’ve had in my school career. This is the first English class that I’ve enjoyed being in and creative writing was one of the best experiences I’ve had and you made it much better. I’ m always comfortable talking to you about anything. #bestteacheraward

to my favorite Mexican – You have been my favorite person in 3rd and creative writing brought us closer and I can’t explain how important that is to me. Thank you soooo much for always being there for me.

to all the boys in 3rd period- All the arguments in creative writing always make me laugh, even when we disagree and get heated over American History. 

to the loudest female in creative writing- Even though you weren’t at this school all year, without English &  creative writing, we wouldn’t even be friends. You mean so much to me no matter how many times I tell you to be quiet. I’m going to miss you!

to all the amazingly sweet girls in this class- Thank you for always laughing at my jokes and being so nice to me. Although I don’t talk to all of you everyday, this class has made us all understand each other so well and it makes me happy to always have a class that listens to my opinions.

In conclusion, i appreciate all of you and stay tuned for my farewell to creative writing post next week !

Movie Review- Let it Shine

If you’re in my creative writing class, you know that i LOVE the Disney movie Let it Shine. It is about a teenage boy, Cyrus, who loves to write rap music. His father, however, is a priest and believes that rap music is a sin. Cyrus is the choir director for his father’s church and his father was upset when his son wrote a christian rap song to start off the service. Cyrus also sneaks out the house every night to go to his job at a rap club. He’s a busboy and is always too nervous to rap battle his enemy, Lord of da Bling. Long story short, Cyrus and his best friend Kris got mixed up in winning a future pop star contest and their kindergarten friend, Roxie, is now a famous singer and held the contest. Kris ended up winning by mistake when Cyrus was really the singer of the song that was sent in. Kris then had to lipsync over Cyrus’ voice in order to keep the secret hidden. At the end of the movie, Cyrus and Lord of da Bling rap battle and Cyrus wins. Then, Cyrus comes clean to Roxanne and tells her that he is really the voice behind Kris’ songs. 

This movie is AMAZING and has an all African-American cast. I love this movie because it’s a little cheesy but has a good message. Even though Roxie liked Kris’ appearance, she was mainly attracted to his voice and the words he said, even though it was really Cyrus the whole time. Also, the movie is full of music and has a very catchy soundtrack. All in all, if you love cheesy rap battles, “gospel-rap”, and a good Disney message about relationships, Let it Shine is a perfect movie for you ! 😊🎶

Quotes of My School Year !

August– “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller.

September- “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” – Peter Pan.

October- “I’m having fun. I’m being myself. I’m doing what i love. That’s all that matters.” – James Charles. 

November- “You can look but you won’t see the girl i used to be cause she’s so gone.” – Naomi Scott, Lemonade Mouth.

December- “Did you really mean the words that you said? This is it, i gotta know. Should i stay or should i go? Show me the truth.” – Roxie, Let it Shine.

January- “Why do i feel so deceived? I guess i believed what i wanted to believe.” – Roxie, Let it Shine.

February- “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein.

March- “Being alone and actually sitting with our own thoughts can lead to such growth and realizations that are rare in our everyday busy lives.” – Kourtney Kardashian.

April- “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”- Mark Twain. 

May-  The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.” – Timothy Mouse, Dumbo.


One Syllable Jams !

The topic of my one-syllable jam is: leaving my current high school and starting a new one next school year.

I’ll try not to cry,

but it’s hard to say bye.

I love this class, this school, my friends;

I do not want it to end.

A new school year,

and i won’t be here.

i’ll miss bhs,

I wish you the best.

Childhood Conspiracies !

Number one –

Winnie The pooh  characters represent mental illnesses :

Pooh : eating disorder

Piglet : anxiety

Rabbit :  narcissistic personality disorder

Eeyore : depression

Number two –

Wizard of Oz munchkin incident –

It is a known scene of the movie where you can spot a munchkin hanging from a tree.  The conspiracy is that one of the munchkins that tried out for a part, didn’t get hired and hung himself on set. LUCKILY this theory is false.

Number three :

Alice in Wonderland is about hallucinogenic drugs –

Everyone knows the plot of this famous childhood film and it’s not completely insane to assume the movie involves the use of pretty hard drugs. From the source,  “A young, unsupervised child disappears down a rabbit hole, consumes edibles, and has hallucinations. Is it really that far-fetched to believe Carroll tricked us into reading a bedtime story to our children based on a drug trip?” This theory turns the movie into a more believable story, but also a darker one.

Those are just a small portion of conspiracies for my first student choice blog for this week. I hope i didn’t end your childhood over these theories, even though they weren’t too terrible. Thank you for reading & stay tuned for more posts this week.

Source :



Random Post !

Today’s blog is not about conspiracies or a class assignment; it’s about mental health. In my lifetime, I have seen and been around many people who struggle with mental health issues and it has ruined their life. If you are reading this post, even if I don’t know you or we don’t talk, I want you to know that I am always available to listen. In this time, people push their mental health aside and that is NOT healthy. If you eat healthy and workout, that doesn’t mean you need to ignore how you feel. DON’T IGNORE YOUR FEELINGS! Having emotions doesn’t make you weak and it’s okay not to be in the greatest mood all the time. However, don’t dwell on everything, there is always something to calm you down or make you happy. Speak your mind and continue to live your best life. Color, read a book,call your best friend on the phone, take a nap, or even go to therapy. Therapy helps once you get a good routine. Finding a good therapist that you’re comfortable with is very hard, I know. But once you find someone that clicks with your personality, it’s easy to talk to them and they will help you grow. I AM NOT A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL! DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY ! thanks for reading. ❤

Current Event :

My current event has been all over social media for almost the past 24 hours and if you have any knowledge of pop culture, you will know that this blog is about Nipsey Hussle. He was thirty three years old with a growing family and an even bigger business. He dreamed of building a business franchise. Unfortunately, last night, March 31st, his life was taken when him and two other men were shot in the parking lot of his own clothing store.  His last tweet before he died was “Having strong enemies is a blessing.” which is scary, especially since his death was most definitely planned.  My unwanted opinion : as a 14 year old female with no experience in “the real world”, i believe that it was a planned death and whoever killed Nipsey knew him. The police are already suspicious that the murderer was a gang member. In our “society” anyone who is really intelligent is a target, especially when you live around such dangerous people. He had a huge future ahead of him and already did amazing things for the rap/hip hop community. Also, since he was a well known artist, many celebrities were showing love and support to him, including ones that didn’t even know him personally but heard his music. I believe Nipsey is an unbelievable role model and is definitely one of the most influential people in this community. As a young person, I personally think that Hussle would be doing great things and that other people in this society hate to see their “friends” be better than them. Now, police have suspected the killer and they were really close a couple years back. He is now in solitary confinement to protect his safety. The radar on this man is extreme and people are outraged about Nipsey’s death. To conclude, Nipsey’s death has had a big impact on celebrities, strangers, and big fans. This will bring more spotlight on the world we live in today and how negative friendships can turn.

Rundown on Conspiracies

Most people know the idea of what a conspiracy is, but today’s blog is what they really are. 

Conspiracy theory – a belief that some convert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. 

The political scientist Michael Barkun believes that conspiracy theories rely on the view that the universe is governed by design, and embody three principles: nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected. 

“A conspiracy theory may take any matter as its subject, but certain subjects attract greater interest than others. Favored subjects include famous deaths, government activities, new technologies, terrorism, and questions of alien life. Among the longest-standing and most widely recognized conspiracy theories are notions concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 1969 Apollo moon landings, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as numerous theories pertaining to alleged plots for world domination by various groups both real and imaginary.” – List of Conspiracy Theories.

To end this post, I hope everyone enjoyed my dive deeper into what a conspiracy theory is. Thanks for reading!