Childhood Conspiracies !

Number one –

Winnie The pooh  characters represent mental illnesses :

Pooh : eating disorder

Piglet : anxiety

Rabbit :  narcissistic personality disorder

Eeyore : depression

Number two –

Wizard of Oz munchkin incident –

It is a known scene of the movie where you can spot a munchkin hanging from a tree.  The conspiracy is that one of the munchkins that tried out for a part, didn’t get hired and hung himself on set. LUCKILY this theory is false.

Number three :

Alice in Wonderland is about hallucinogenic drugs –

Everyone knows the plot of this famous childhood film and it’s not completely insane to assume the movie involves the use of pretty hard drugs. From the source,  “A young, unsupervised child disappears down a rabbit hole, consumes edibles, and has hallucinations. Is it really that far-fetched to believe Carroll tricked us into reading a bedtime story to our children based on a drug trip?” This theory turns the movie into a more believable story, but also a darker one.

Those are just a small portion of conspiracies for my first student choice blog for this week. I hope i didn’t end your childhood over these theories, even though they weren’t too terrible. Thank you for reading & stay tuned for more posts this week.

Source :


Rundown on Conspiracies

Most people know the idea of what a conspiracy is, but today’s blog is what they really are. 

Conspiracy theory – a belief that some convert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. 

The political scientist Michael Barkun believes that conspiracy theories rely on the view that the universe is governed by design, and embody three principles: nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected. 

“A conspiracy theory may take any matter as its subject, but certain subjects attract greater interest than others. Favored subjects include famous deaths, government activities, new technologies, terrorism, and questions of alien life. Among the longest-standing and most widely recognized conspiracy theories are notions concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 1969 Apollo moon landings, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as numerous theories pertaining to alleged plots for world domination by various groups both real and imaginary.” – List of Conspiracy Theories.

To end this post, I hope everyone enjoyed my dive deeper into what a conspiracy theory is. Thanks for reading!