Movie Review- Let it Shine

If you’re in my creative writing class, you know that i LOVE the Disney movie Let it Shine. It is about a teenage boy, Cyrus, who loves to write rap music. His father, however, is a priest and believes that rap music is a sin. Cyrus is the choir director for his father’s church and his father was upset when his son wrote a christian rap song to start off the service. Cyrus also sneaks out the house every night to go to his job at a rap club. He’s a busboy and is always too nervous to rap battle his enemy, Lord of da Bling. Long story short, Cyrus and his best friend Kris got mixed up in winning a future pop star contest and their kindergarten friend, Roxie, is now a famous singer and held the contest. Kris ended up winning by mistake when Cyrus was really the singer of the song that was sent in. Kris then had to lipsync over Cyrus’ voice in order to keep the secret hidden. At the end of the movie, Cyrus and Lord of da Bling rap battle and Cyrus wins. Then, Cyrus comes clean to Roxanne and tells her that he is really the voice behind Kris’ songs. 

This movie is AMAZING and has an all African-American cast. I love this movie because it’s a little cheesy but has a good message. Even though Roxie liked Kris’ appearance, she was mainly attracted to his voice and the words he said, even though it was really Cyrus the whole time. Also, the movie is full of music and has a very catchy soundtrack. All in all, if you love cheesy rap battles, “gospel-rap”, and a good Disney message about relationships, Let it Shine is a perfect movie for you ! 😊🎶